Who am I? (a teacher's dilemma)
It is interesting to see how Prensky (2011) reflects on his earlier writing from 2001. He addresses critics of his earlier concepts and develops a new idea of Digital Wisdom ("Digital Wisdom and Homo Sapiens Digital", 2011) . He made a distinction between Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives, describing the former as those who "adapt to their environment, but always retain, to some degree, their "accent", that is their foot in the past." (Prensky, 2001). For the metaphors "natives", "immigrant" and "accent" he was praised by some and criticised by others. Prensky (2011) agrees that being a Digital Native is not so much about capabilities or knowledge of digital stuff. Whether you were born in 1984 or in 2004, these things need to be learnt in one way or another. The distinction, he claims further, is more about culture. It is about younger generation being comfortable with using digital technology. It is about the fact th...