How it all started...
Why did I decide to choose the MA in Digital Technologies in Language Teaching? Well, I teach English and I am fascinated by how technology can augment the learning process. I am a digital immigrant, and I do remember times without computers and mobile phones. Yes, we survived. Yes, we managed to master a foreign language using the old "drill and kill" method using these: But our students, who are digital natives - or in case of my students mobile natives - perceive the world differently. To get through to them we need to alter our ways of teaching. I am lucky enough to teach the subject called Educational Technology using IT, and I teach it as part of the ELT programme in the college where I work. Before I got into it, I was exploring bits and pieces that I found on the internet through random search. I started with good old Google Drive and its apps. It seemed amazing how powerful cloud storage/sharing/online collaboration can be! It opened so many new possibilities to...